MAFIA WARS!!! as they call it, is a timepass browser game available at facebook. As the name suggests you may think that it will be a full fledge fighting game, a shooter game kind of expirience. But no, it's not. Dont expect that you will get a GTA Vice City kind of gameplay. It is just a browser game meant for friends who can come together and play,earn money,fight to become the powerfull person.
It got 4.5 /5 rating which is good.What makes it good timepass game is that you can have your friends involved in it. This and many other games from which are featured on Facebook have the similar kind of gameplay. Why this strategy is particularly and brilliantly implemented in facebook?. This is because Facebook as we all know is a social networking site. It has a hell lot of people registered to it worldwide. Now think that if by any chance we add a functionality which can make a considerable difference than the typical social networking sites. And this difference is experienced on Facebook by having games like Mafia Wars,Farmville etc from Zynga games. Many of our friends can join us playing the same game, competing, fighting,winning, losing etc etc... and enjoying the complete social networking experience.
A single exceptional idea can have a nice impact on how people interact, share and enjoy things. Ofcourse video games are often taken as timepass thing by many people but the ideas like these worked very well if we think in business point of view.
India has evolved into a technology hotspot.It has proven itself in the Information Technology and more recently the mobile technology,Having done so much and so forth in the software there is this one field of software that Indian minds are moving into... The Digital Entertainment software aka Video Gaming Industry. Yes! people, the Young And Restless Indians are hungry for gaming now.They are ready..To DREAM it,To CREATE it and To PLAY it; AAKHIR...Ye Hai GAMISTAN Meri Jaan!